After the alarm clock rings, what's the first thing you reach for? Coffee. And although we know coffee has some great benefits, current research has shown that drinking tea can help you burn fat and improve your gut function.
In a study published in the journal Nutrients, Professor Kumpei Tokuyama found that drinking certain types of tea can provide that caffeinated boost of energy we crave, along with fat burning properties.
According to the professor and his findings, oolong tea contains the caffeine needed to impact energy metabolism by increasing our heart rate. In addition to the effects of caffeine, his team wanted to study how the consumption of tea may also increase fat breakdown in our bodies. After participants had consumed 2 cups of tea for the duration of 14 consecutive days, the results showed that oolong tea and our caffeine boosted fat breakdown by an estimated 20 percent compared to those participants who received the placebo. And interestingly enough, oolong continued to show its effects on the participants even while asleep.
So How Does Drinking Tea Effect Our Gut Health?
Tea has the ability to shift the bacteria in our gut to help us lose weight and keep it off. Most people experiencing obesity have lower levels of bacteria called Bacteroidetes than healthier populations. In addition, they may also have increased levels of a bacteria called Firmictures that has the potential to reduce your health. New research demonstrates that micronutrients called polyphenols in green and black tea have the ability to positively adjust the balance between these two bacteria.
Other Health Benefits to Drinking Tea
- Tea provides our bodies with the benefits found in nature. Beneficial compounds like flavonoids help regulate our cells and fight off free radicals that may cause stress on the body. Flavonoids are found in plants like cocoa, fruit, and vegetables.
- Promotes overall healthy lifestyle decision-making. A study done by the journal Nutrients resulted in participants opting for less high-calorie, high-sugar beverages and foods.
- Reduction of tooth decay and can reduce inflammation in the gums. Black and green teas contain fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral commonly found in water and most foods. Tea can help prevent cavities by controlling bacteria and reducing the amount of acid in your mouth.
- Strengthens immunity to prevent diseases. Based on the amount of antioxidants and what kind of herbs are in your tea, some natural ingredients provide benefits. For example, chamomile has antibacterial properties and hibiscus contains vitamin C.
- Promotes good digestion. Drinking tea can help reduce annoying symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome.
So the next time you reach for a cup of coffee, think about switching to a cup of tea instead! Your gut will thank you.
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